Welcome to my professional website!
I am Danny El Hassan, and I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) in New York State who will be offering remote counseling sessions. My office is based in Skaneateles, NY. I have a passion for counseling.
Danny El Hassan- Psychological Counselor, LMHC
Ed. M. Psychological Counseling: Teachers College, Columbia University
M.A. Mental Health Counseling Track: Teachers College, Columbia University
B.S. Applied Psychology: Cum Laude with Department Honors, New York University
Grossman, A. H., Frank, J. A., Graziano, M. J., Narozniak, D. R., Mendelson, G., El Hassan, D., & Patouhas, E. S. (2014). Domestic harm and neglect among lesbian, gay, and bisexual older adults. Journal of Homosexuality, 61(12), 1649-1666. doi:10.1080/00918369.2014.951216
Keller, R., DeLorenzo, J., El Hassan, D. (2014, March 7). Microaggressions Against People with Disabilities. [Conference presentation]. Health Disparities Conference at Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States.
El Hassan, D. (2011). Predictor’s of Happiness Among LGBQ College Students. [Conference Presentation]. Stanford Psychology Undergraduate Conference. Stanford, CA, United States.
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